Saturday, August 1, 2009

packing it in

I started writing an entry last night -- four different versions of it, in fact -- but couldn't adequately describe the thought processes that were bouncing around my head. A lot of back and forth with some kind of existential questions, and what's better to pursue. I think I'm landing at a couple of answers but a lot relies upon how things play out the next couple of weeks. I finally just called a friend of mine who happens to be working towards a doctorate in psychology. I more or less vomited out all the things that were bouncing around in my head, and I feel much better for it.

And today, I started working on a big project -- packing. One thing that is certain is that at the end of August I will no longer be living where I am now. Granted, I don't know the destination yet. Maybe it's across town, maybe it's across the country. But I know I'm going somewhere, and with that knowledge secure I thought perhaps it's a good time to start preparing for it. I grabbed some boxes and various tools and started getting to work.

I keep things. I emptied out my bookshelf and found all kinds of little oddities and treasures... mostly stuff that I really, really don't need anymore. Paystubs from 1998. Old notebooks with notes from various trainings at restaurants. Scribbled design ideas when I was doing websites. Slips of paper with phone numbers on it (who on earth is Rex?). And this gem:

This must be from second or third grade. It's a picture of the Capitol building in Tallahassee, Florida. I think it was supposed to be for a Springtime Tallahassee logo contest my art teacher decided to enter us into -- hence the musical notes floating oddly above the offices in a cloud of white poo. And the old Capitol building there in the foreground looks oddly phallic. But to be fair, the actual building does kind of look like a penis.

Oh...and the Robbie File. Robbie was the ex-boyfriend, now convicted felon. He got himself in deep with his schemes, and got caught shortly after I broke up with him. I played an unwitting role in his getting caught, actually. That was unfortunate, because Robbie, bitter at being dumped, decided to implicate me and since I was already in the middle of it, it made sense to the people looking into it. I didn't actually do anything I was accused of, but the outward appearances and Robbie's manipulations made it look like I had. I look back on it now and kick myself repeatedly for how stupidly I handled that -- but it was all I was equipped to do at the time. I just wanted it all to be over and done and took the first opportunity to close it out that I could. In retrospect, that was dumb, dumb, dumb. An expensive lesson.

I kept a file of things from that time. Correspondence, bits and pieces of evidence. I handed all this stuff over to investigators and lawyers trying to clear myself but no one really seemed to give that much of a damn. I still had it, nearly ten years later. I've found things much older; journals, photos, trinkets and toys... they're worth keeping. But this is one thing I think it's is time to leave behind. Gladly.


Mom said...

KEEP THAT FILE! You never know when the past will come back to bite you. You don't ever have to look at it again, but it might be a life saver sometime in the future.

Sayre said...

Perhaps you should leave it with the guys for safekeeping. Just in case.

The Capitol building is even more phalic than your picture, which must have been a side view. The unfortunate domed office buildings on either side kind of clinches the image.

Glad you're starting on the packing - it always takes longer than you think it will. If you start before you think you need to, it ought to work out pretty well!