Monday, August 17, 2009

the other shoe finally drops

It is more or less official. On Friday, documents were filed to authorize a sale of memberships to a competitor, subject to higher and better offers. Today, we were officially notified that we are slated for closure. At long last, four months after the first documented evidence appeared, we were finally leveled with and it was acknowledged.

Sales staff was let go effective immediately. Other parts of staff were initially let go as well, but that was rescinded when they realized it would violate 'business as usual' stipulations of the court. (technically, anyone can still sell membership so the sales staff is ruled unnecessary. But to completely cease a profit center or two goes too far.)

I have an exit strategy at hand, and it's one that was actually OK'd by my HR department. The duties of my job are essentially complete or can be completed by someone else already at the facility. My job, technically, can cease to exist at this time without an impact on the course of 'business as usual.' Additionally, it's a bonus for my current employer as the hours I'm spending at this point can be handed to a number of other employees who are hoping for extra hours -- and paid at a considerably lower rate. EVERYTHING is about the $$$ at this moment. So, with everyone else, including HR, on board -- all I need is the OK from my RVP and I can leave my job at the end of this week with unemployment and COBRA subsidy in hand.


My RVP can be difficult at times. She's near impossible to reach (not her fault, she's completely overburdened at the moment) and in the past I regularly fail to see the logic in her thought processes. It's not that it isn't there -- it's that she doesn't communicate any of it, so we're all just left to think she's crazy. She's aware that I've got living opportunities at hand that need to be acted on quickly (I'd mentioned them when I asked about possibility for transfers, and my direct boss brought it up too). I'm just trying to take a very negative experience and throw a little bit of positive in for all parties involved -- it's a win-win-win situation but I haven't even been able to posit it to her for consideration.

I'm glad I didn't buy a plane ticket yet, at least. But I do still have to leave my current pad by September 1, so I may have to take my brother up on a brief stay at the man-house to wrap things up. I hope it won't have to be that fragmented, but I've been all about planning ahead through the entire course of this thing... can't count anything out just yet, and have to be prepared.


Anonymous said...

Plenty of room, little brudder. :)


Sayre said...

You are lucky to have such good backup. And a new opportunity for the life you want in the place you love. Patience. It will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Good ol' John..thank God (and the US Army) for the Manhouse
