Monday, August 10, 2009

tomorrow might be the day...

A semi-lazy Sunday. Roommate left for vacation this afternoon so I have the place to myself all week this week. It'll make for a nice break. Plus, I can get lots of packing and sorting and organizing done. I have a couple of surprises for roommate, too. Some of his furniture is getting rather scuffy and scratched, so I took a trip to Home Depot after he left and bought a can of finish restorer. I've tended to the dining room furniture and it looks beeeeautiful. The dresser in my room needs a little extra love -- some of the finish has actually come off completely and there's a little patch of bare wood. The color held fast, though, interestingly enough. So another trip down to Home Depot for a teeny little thing of shellac to patch it up and it's good as new!

Of course, I have to work all week. Or do I?

Tomorrow is the lease rejection hearing. It has not been adjourned. Things are finally coming to a close, but it's still difficult to determine exactly when. It could very well be that a closure plan is presented in court tomorrow and we're done for in three days. Or it could be three weeks. Hard to know. I'm exploring my options, but at this point I think it's a very safe bet to say I'll be out of a job by the end of the month. I never thought I'd be excited about a prospect like that, but I am. I've always said that surviving is thriving. I've survived this and now it's time to move on to a new challenge... it's become stale and stagnant in Atlanta. Time to move on.

More details later. Film at eleven.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

Your roomie is going to be pleased when he gets back home to find his furniture freshened!

I am on tenderhooks just as you are... just reading this and how things have been dragging out - hurry up and wait - I'm almost as impatient as you!