Saturday, July 11, 2009

what, again?!

This appears to have turned into the work drama blog. I apologize for that, it's just consuming my life to a ridiculous extent right now.

That investigation I've been working on this week has been rather twisty and turny -- which appeared to culminate yesterday when one of the people involved decided to stop cooperating. It pretty much became a foregone conclusion that person would get the axe, but just under the deadline ... we're back in, and this thing just continues to spiral.

As far as the phone interview I had earlier this week... well, I don't think it could have possibly gone any better. So good, in fact, that I have a second phone interview with the director of operations on Tuesday. I already have JW won over; as far as she's concerned I can have any job any time (at least, that's the impression I'm getting). But of course, there are layers and levels that must be seen to, and I intend on being the most compelling and impressive candidate possible. And I've got the best person possible in my corner.

Tuesday was also the scheduled hearing for the motion to vacate the lease at my current location. I thought they were taking their sweet time with giving us some sort of notification, and tonight I found out why: The hearing has been adjourned for a second time... but this time only one week instead of the three weeks of the previous adjournment. They have not withdrawn the motion, though -- only delayed it -- which indicates to me that they are still intent on closing us down... but perhaps we'll get some notice after all. I hope they move fast, though. At this very second, I'm playing a game of chicken between this company I'm interviewing with and the one I'm at now. Now, if I come away from my interview on Tuesday morning with a job offer in hand, I'm liable to simply submit my resignation that afternoon. I already know the pay scales and after doing a bit of math, I realized I'd be able to pay rent, COBRA, and general life a bit tight for a few months, of course. I ... could actually DO this. I can leave my job on my terms if I so wished. Of course, I'd much prefer taking a heavily reduced COBRA rate if I can wrangle it by just being a little patient.

I've been getting a little sick over the past couple of days... sore throat, headaches, etc. Went to the doctor today, and now I'm chucking down three amoxicyllin every day for the next ten days. I HATE antibiotics, but I can't wait to start feeling better again. I've been lucky to be as healthy as I have so far this year. Lets hope the pattern sticks.

Incidentally, I was supposed to have an appointment with Dr. Z today too -- she's out of town, though, so I must reschedule. I'm a little nervous, though -- this is the one I may be told it's time to go on meds. Just as I'm transitioning to a new job or no job. Flippin' great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Courage, my friend... courage.
