Thursday, July 16, 2009

the waiting game

This is all taking so much longer than I'd really like. I'm trying my damnedest to not get discouraged over any of it but...sheesh. I gotta know something! There are moments where I wish I was completely in the dark so I wouldn't feel like I'm just waiting...waiting...waiting...

And the clock ticks forward. Just a little.


Anonymous said...

Steady, old boy.

When I hire, I try to do it on a Friday. That gives the lucky winner a chance to celebrate his good fortune, get his act together, and be ready for work Monday morning.

When I fire, I do it on Monday. The poor unfortunate is already moving and everything is open so he can throw himself headlong into finding something that suits him better instead of going on a weekend bender that lands him in jail.

Getting hired on Wednesday or Thursday is just confusing for everyone. :)

Don't just sit by the phone. Continue to work on Plan B until Plan A comes to fruition.


Anonymous said...

Cool your jets. Seldom are such decisions made fast, except in the movies. Hiring someboyd is like getting married. You have to work out all the aspects first, make sure it's a good fit, before you proceed. Be patient.
