Tuesday, July 21, 2009

like a hurricane blew through

The interesting week officially got more interesting today. The way I figure it... I'm either out of a job on Friday, or out of a job on August 1. Either way -- I'm out of a job!

As mentioned in the previous post, Thursday is the lease rejection hearing. No adjournments have been filed. The stalking horse bid has been accepted and qualified -- and now just needs final approval from the court and it's just a short jaunt to their closing day where ownership is officially transferred. They are running out of time. Looks like any possible sale of the facility has completely fallen through because this afternoon, the property manager plowed through the doors with about twenty people in tow. A couple of people who work for the management company... but mostly people in business suits with clipboards and folders and pens for taking notes -- and not a single business card available...or so they claimed.

A little digging reveals that our property management has quietly started notifying real estate agencies that my facility will soon be vacant and they're looking for a replacement tenant ASAP. And there you have it. Bankruptcy is bloody business, and I knew I'd get cut sooner than later. And at this point, I'm not sad or upset or anything -- I've already gone through those grieving stages several months back. I'm very much at acceptance, now, and I'm ready to get moving on with life. Of course I'm annoyed that this process has taken so long, because it means I have to forfeit my deposit on my current pad, and the move to NYC is not August 1, but probably closer to August 5, or 15, or somewhere in there. But I'm coming to the end of this arduous road, at long, long last -- preparing to set foot on a new arduous road instead. All it comes down to now is exactly when. In all likelihood, my prediction of coming in Friday with chains on the doors is going to be correct.



Healthwise... my left arm is giving me all kinds of trouble. That's the formerly broken arm. I seem to be more sensitive to weather patterns now, and for the last two days my arm has been giving me all kinds of grief... and now my index finger seems to be joining in the fun. Can't be arthritis...could it? It's just the one finger. It's what I imagine arthritis must feel like though. Hurts! A lot!


Anonymous said...

You left out kind of a big piece, there... moving to NYC?

Did the new job work out?


JR said...

NYC is still the plan. I haven't secured the new job yet but one of the things that's keeping me from landing it right now is the fact the DOO hasn't met me in person. With the closure of the facility it means I can collect full unemployment and pay COBRA at a subsidized rate. It seems to be working out quite well!

Sayre said...

Yes... you can have arthritis in just one finger (I have it in my right index finger and it is ever so annoying). Whenever you have an injury, the arthritis process is accelerated. Especially if you are prone to it - which you will be if any of Mom's genes made it into you.