Wednesday, June 17, 2009

eleven months later

Since it's all over the news again, I thought I'd weigh in...

Eleven months ago, I decided I'd treat myself to something I really wanted. After grappling for months with a clunky, ineffective and flimsy Blackberry, I woke up at 5:30am, hauled my sleepy/happy butt up to the mall, and waited in line for the covenant of the coveted (at that time): The brand new iPhone 3G.

A lot of people scoffed. Totally unnecessary, a waste of money, following the herd... I heard all of it. And I'm very, very happy to say now -- those people were wrong. In fact, I think this phone is quite possibly the best gadget I've bought in eons. See, with gadgets, I'm like most others -- I tinker around with it for a few months, and move on. I actually had outgrown my gadget phase, but the 3G came along and my impetuous inner six year old came out. COOL TOY! WANT IT! NOW NOW NOW!!!!

So, eleven months on, I'm thrilled to report that I am still thrilled with the phone. I love what it's capable of doing. And now a new model is coming out on Friday, and all I can think is... COOL TOY! WANT IT NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!

I will, of course, wait. I get a nifty software update tonight to tide me over. I don't really need a video camera or a digital compass... it's the inner guts of the new version that draw me in. A larger hard drive, faster processors, and better connection speeds -- the truly geeky things -- have me in a tizzy, but I can wait. I'm eligible for the cheapo upgrade price in December... and if I wait even longer -- I can get it even cheaper with the NEXT upgrade next summer. But I think everyone here knows me well enough to know I won't wait that long. But I do know what my extra special 30th birthday present to myself is going to be! (Originally, it was going to be a trip to Australia, but work drama has pushed that back to 35 or 40, sadly.)

I was technogeek before technogeeking was cool, yo.


In other news... there is no other news. I've arrived at the conclusion that I will not ever, ever get back on a workout program unless I do it somewhere I don't work. Added bonus is a local gym quite close by doing a great membership special through the end of the month. But I'm so in the dark about what's happening with my job and can't really be sure if I'm leaving town next month... I don't want to plunk down money for something I'll have to abandon in July. I wish minds would be made up. Or, if they've already been made, that we'd be informed of that decision so plans may be made. While things have calmed down a bit while I'm actually at work, I have no more confidence (in fact, maybe a bit less) that my job will be there in a month's time. All I want is a sign. Or a sugar daddy in New York. That'd be nice too.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

I can understand the wish to be informed. The layoffs have begun at the tv station and DM had to let one of his people go. He was told a month ahead but told not to inform the employee yet. He gave him a heads up anyway, then officially let him know when the big boss said okay. Lucky for soon-to-be-ex-employee, he began looking for a job early and may have found one with better pay and benefits. But the two weeks of knowing without being able to say definitively was really hard on DM.

See how things shake out before plunking down more money for gyms.

Sorry Australia isn't going to work out just yet, but it sounds like you've got a nifty backup!