Thursday, April 9, 2009


That's it.  It's all over.

On two days notice, the location I once ran was shut down. In the blink of an eye, I saw thirty people lose their jobs. Today was the last day.

I took advantage of the presence of corporate people in town whom I had a good rapport with to see where my current location stands.

A month, tops.

It's all over.  I went to the after-party tonight, in a restaurant across the plaza from where I spent three good years of my life.  During those three years I muddled through some of the most difficult challenges I've ever faced, and I always had that gym to go back to.  But not anymore.

It's not for lack of options at this point -- there's even an opportunity for me to transfer within the company -- go back to NYC. But without a relocation package, I'm skeptical.  I don't have confidence that job will still be there six months from now, and I'll be exactly where I was four years ago - on my ass and out of options. You might call that learning. I'll explore it, but I place no eggs in that basket unless I'm absolutely certain there's security, and that's a tough, tough sell.  Plus, I'm not convinced I want to work for a company that can cease operations at their locations with two days notice -- nor pay any severance out to the staff affected.  It's time to jump ship.

My local network was activated late last week when I first caught wind that stuff was going down.  So far there's one really great sounding opportunity that I'd like to pursue as soon as I get more information.  It may be three to six months away.  ABSOLUTELY worth the wait, but between now and then, unemployment and general hell. Who knows? I'm wandering back out into uncharted territory.  I've navigated similar waters before, but it's been a long, long time since I've had to do that, and I'm afraid I'm a little rusty.  And ultimately, I'm disappointed... because I spent nearly four years building up an unimpeachable reputation for an incomparable work ethic, impressive problem solving skills, and a real knack for the industry -- and I have to start over again from scratch. And it may be another four years before I get myself back into a comparable position.

I'd appreciate your positive vibes if you have a few to spare.


Anonymous said...

Relocation package - as luck would have it, I may be able to help with that if a transfer to corporate is what you want to do. If nothing else, it buys you some time, puts you back in the city you love, and allows you to socialize your reputation a bit. It is easier to get a job when you have a job.

If you elect to stay in Atlanta and need a roof over your head, you know where you can come to.

Your horoscope in Stars and Stripes today:
Sagittarius - You don't have to have a dire need in order to deserve help. Ask for assistance from the obvious places. Then ask for more help from the not so obvious places.

I am proud of you for what you have accomplished, and I know there will be a lot more in the future.


Anonymous said...

No fun. Glad you got the network going. As to relocation, no package, no move. This outfit has proven that people are as disposable as tissues. They won't change, corporate cultures tend to stay as they are and this one has a tendency to feed the brass and screw the troops.
NYC, unless you have a firm, water-tight deal,IN WRITING. No go. In Hotlanta you have family and you have 4 years worth of contacts.
Finally, it is quite OK to mourn the loss of something like your old gym. You invested yourself into it, you worked hard, you put a chunk of ol "Saturn" in it and now it's gone. It's very hard to just walk away, untouched, unless, of course you're some kind of automaton--good managers never are..and you, sir, are a good manager.

Anonymous said...

I know you. You will land on your feet. You have felt a shift coming for some time now - if you can, relax and enjoy figuring out what's next. There is a lot of opportunity for growth here, and I know you will utilize it to its utmost.


Sayre said...

You are one of the lucky ones, whether you know it or not. So many people are losing their jobs, their homes - everything. You have a wide safety net, a saleable set of skills and a family that is behind you 100%. Things aren't perfect, but neither are they dire.

It is time to move on.