Sunday, April 26, 2009


Remarkably, I still have a job. It's been three weeks since the closure of Parkway, and the mood at my location has been gloomy at best. I've been talking to the HR department -- specifically my buddy with whom I have worked on many projects. Nothing coming from the corporate office gives us any kind of confidence that we're going to survive for any extended period of time (though we did receive a bit of correspondence, probably at my behest, saying "We support you guys. No, REALLY! We do!" Too little, too late.)

So I've been looking. And as I've written previously, I have a difficult time with knowing what I'd be good for. Add in that I don't want to just jump to a job because it's there (I COULD run a Family Dollar, but I'd be miserable in a matter of days)... But I did stumble on a position that is seemingly perfect for my abilities in NYC.  I promptly submitted a resume and a cover letter, and sent a follow-up note to their recruiting manager a few days later. The response (paraphrased):

"Thanks for reaching out! We're currently reviewing the submissions and will be contacting people for interviews soon. By the way, when are you moving back to New York?"

That last question threw me for a loop.  They are apparently interested enough to ask when I'm moving back. I responded back, saying the timeline is very flexible and dependent on landing a position, but I do have arrangements for temporary quarters while I get myself situated (read: hire me and I'm there when you need me... I have a few friends who owe me favors!).  I offered to fly up for an interview. And so we wait. Another day or two and I'll send up another follow-up.  I really want this job -- aside from the lovely benefit of moving back to NYC, it's a position I deeply believe I would be tremendously successful in. I'm trying to play my hand smartly -- persistent enough to be on their minds, without crossing over into desperation or harassment territory.  That's a delicate balance!  I'm confident that if I get an interview, I'll get the job.

My other prospects are pretty quiet.  There are plenty of positions I can do and be great at but getting past that first cut is difficult.  I have a great resume but there's only so much you can fit into one page. Plus, in these times, there's a lot of competition... there are plenty of people who are better qualified for the things I'm going out for, but they wouldn't necessarily be better at the job.  It's a catch-22.

All the while, I'm trying to stay balanced and get as much done at my current job as possible, knowing that tomorrow could be the day it all ends.  I'm eligible for unemployment, but that's only a luxury for about two days and a weekend.

Oh, and I have traffic court on Tuesday for getting hit by a truck. Unending joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember that your support system is still behind you. Let me know what you need to be successful here, and we'll make it happen.
