Thursday, October 9, 2008

in and out of the fire

Week one of Chantix is almost complete, and I've gotta say -- the stuff is amazing. It works by shutting off your nicotine receptors, so whatever emotional or mental connection you have to the cigarettes is essentially blocked. I was instructed to continue smoking for the first week to transition off, but I've found that as each day passes, I've smoked less and less. I'd generally go through three or four packs a week, this week I haven't even gotten through my second. Tomorrow is the last day, at which point I go on a maintenance dosage of Chantix and cut the cigs entirely.

Had a dentist appointment today, and things are looking good. As Mitch Hedberg once said, it's as hard to start flossing as it is to stop smoking...and I'm trying to do both at once.

Oh, and I'm moving to a new location for work on Monday. It's a lateral move, same position, but slightly better pay. And a bigger challenge. I can definitely use the extra change in my pocket -- everything costs more these days but I haven't had a raise in a year and a half. This assignment is not going to be easy, though. I'm very apprehensive about the situation I'm walking into but there's some solid foundation that's already been laid. It'll be nice to not have to walk in and fix EVERYTHING. I'm excited for the change of scenery... easier commute, better schedule, and a bigger paycheck, in exchange for some added stress.

In general, I just feel better. I feel healthier and more optimistic. Historically, the moment I say that is the moment something drastic happens. Let's hope this is the exception.


And just a quick coda here, since I occasionally talk politics... I think John McCain (or at least his subordinates) may have just lost the race this week. Between the debate, where he came off petty and insolent, the innuendos being pitched out by his staffers, and recent rallies that look more like angry mobs... and you must admit, love him or hate him, that Obama has been able to stay on-message. He's connected with the general public the same way Bill Clinton did, and as evidenced by his debate performance -- finally learned how to survive without a teleprompter. (Gee, that only took twenty months.) It's sad to see this -- the John McCain of the 2000 campaign was an impressive figure, 2008 John McCain is a embittered shell of that fiery workhorse.


Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow in your new gig. And stress is a piece of cake for you. You are one of the strongest.

I'm so glad you are quitting smoking. I have to admit to being amazed that you started again. It is such a dangerous habit, and so hard to overcome. Keep your wits about you, and don't let anything get the better of you. You are in charge.
Love, Mom

Sayre said...

Hey, guy! I've been lost without my blogroll as I can never remember exactly how to type in your address. I've added you to my favorites list until I refigure out how to do this new blogroll.

Good for you quitting again!!! Some days smoking might feel like a good way to deal with things, but really - it just makes things more complicated - and smelly.

As to McCain, I would have voted for him in 2000. Not now. Something is wrong, very wrong with him. It's like he's falling apart even if his body is still in one piece.