Friday, October 3, 2008

awkward question time

So, what'd you think of the debate?


Sayre said...

I actually fell asleep before it came on. I did record it on the DVR, so I'll probably watch it this weekend.

From what I've heard and what I read though, Palin needs to visit the dictionary and find out what the word "debate" means.

Anonymous said...

I fell asleep, too, halfway through, but I thought she did what she was hired to do--inspire and reassure the base. Biden won on points, but Palin made a good showing, wowing those already for her, and gaining reluctant recognition for her skill behind the podium from those who expected her to act like she did in previous interviews. She seemed to be having a good time, while Biden seemed under stress much of the time.
The next morning, I could tell she did better than expected by the talking heads nitpicking the whole thing and trying to find any little thing to make her look bad. Sour Grapes, anyone? That being said, there was an element of "Your Question is not responsive to my answer..." In the long run, I don't think this debate will make much difference except to the people who were already for her and a few silly on-the-fence women.

Anonymous said...

Palin proved she's not actually a dumb ditz--and exceeded expectations. What will Tina Fey do now? Joe Biden came off as an experienced US Senator with a lot of knowledge about important subjects. The overall impression. If one or the other has to become president the choice isn't hard. If I need a surgeon, that she is a "Mom" is nice, butr I'd prefer that she be an experienced cutter.
