Wednesday, August 20, 2008

business diplomacy question...

So... how do you gently object to a plan agreed on by the rest of the team that you just know is a terrible, terrible idea?

I don't want to seem like I'm just being contrary, and I don't really even have anything to back up my objections beyond gut instinct... I'd just rather not be associated with this fumble in the making.


Sayre said...

Is there someone in "authority" on the team that you can quietly take aside and talk to about this? You may not get credit for saving the day, but if you can formulate an explanation for your misgivings, it might help avert a possible problem...

Just do it one person at a time - and eventually they might all come to the same conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Gut instinct is useful, but not much more. You have to look at the facts of the situation and often "gut instinct" is nothing more than the fact that you have subconsciously assessed the situation and you don't like what you see. Quantify your objections and then, diplomatically, one-on-one explain them to the lead hoss.


Anonymous said...

Can you elaborate a bit more?
