Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Poor Hillary. She was the Dems best hope for winning the election this year. I like Obama but he's going to be like a calf to the slaughter and my guess is the Democrats will be having a severe case of buyers remorse in about four months.

I like John McCain well enough too, but this campaign is really going to be a race to see who can shove their foot in their mouth most often and quickly. Between Barry O's empty rhetoric and McCain's statement that we went to war for oil, it's a pouncing pundit's dream race. There's gonna be a lot to seize upon this summer.

In the meantime, though:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. McCain is too old, and a neocon of the first water. He has a vile temper, and the media is giving him a pass. Barry Goldwater, a true conservative, didn't like him and didn't trust him. (Read "Pure Goldwater" by John Dean and Goldwater's son.) If he wins, it will just be an extension of the Bush regime with someone more petulent and hot-headed than Bush, if that is possible. I used to think McCain would be a good choice, but I have been listening to what he says, and I have looked into his record in the Senate. Not very encouraging.
Love, Mom