Saturday, April 19, 2008

checking in...

In case you were worried, yes, I'm still alive and around. I've been quite busy, actually. It's nice to have other things to think about. I'm beginning to inch out of this hermit crab phase I've been in and starting to feel a bit more human again.

I had another doctor's appointment on Monday, and things are pretty much where they should be right now. Had a pneumonia vaccination, too, so that won't happen again any time soon.

I've been fighting with my bank over an unauthorized charge for the past week, and today, I finally won. The charge was a computer mistake on the merchant's part. The day after, while the transaction was still pending, I had the merchant on the phone with the bank, verifying that this was an improper charge and to remove it completely and refund any outstanding service charges. The bank did, only to take it and several more service charges from my account again two days later. The merchant issued an immediate refund, and after transferring to three different supervisors on the phone this morning, the bank finally acknowledged that it was negligence on their part for not blocking the service charges and refunded the charges. Good thing, too; I need to go shoe shopping today.

I'm planning a three day weekend next week and maybe a few vacation days next month. I've been going full steam lately and I'm beginning to burn out.


TeKay said...

as always. concerned and confused. loving you.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you, Bro-
Keep your head up!

Sayre said...

Been thinking about you lately and wondering how you were doing. Glad to hear that your life is keeping you busy and not too focused on the negative things.

That bank... same one you had issues with before????

JR said...

Nope, different one. I don't tend to stick around when companies screw with my money. Unless a prompt resolution occurs, I move on.